Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Due to unforseen circumstances...

Last friday I signed up for talk named "Overview of addictions" which includes internet addiction, something I am concerned about and interested in.
Today I received an email:

Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances arising from the speaker’s
side, the talk “Overview of Addictions” scheduled this Fri (13 Oct) has been

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

I need to access the internet every break, every time I see a computer, everywhere I go. There was once my computer broke down and it got so bad for me I had to go to the library at the mall to use the internet. I went there everyday for a whole month just to use the net for 15-30 minutes. Without the computer and the internet, I was listless, couldn't do anything, couldn't sit and paced the room for no particular reason.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Sure, not a problem, it's just a probability of having internet addiction.

Sorry, I'm just easily frustrated recently.

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