And the cat ate the bird...
I'm just kidding! Not going to get anywhere with this. Anyway...
Been seeing a lot of birds lately. There are those white migratory birds in NUS (and the river opposite my house), pigeons and mynahs. Odd how the sparrows seemed to have gone into hiding, or maybe they are so small they are camouflaged.
That day I was walking below a HDB flat quite late at night and I noticed this nice, plump pigeon standing on one of the steps leading upwards. It seemed weird that it was there, so I walked past it, then I turned back, poked my head behind the wall and watched it. It didn't fly away, just cocked it's head and seemed a little flustered, but it still stood rooted to the spot. After a bit of head-popping with the pigeon, I squatted down in front of it and looked at it carefully, wondering if it was injured or something. Hmm, doesn't seem like there's anything wrong. Wings nicely folded, legs balanced... So I looked underneath it. Remember that it was standing. I thought I saw a wet pile of stuff underneath it and wondered if it was busy shitting. Perhaps it was experiencing constipation and would it like to shit in peace? Felt kind of embarrassed after that for intruding into its toilet privacy. But the pile looks a bit red, is it having it's period? Do birds have periods? I'm curious and want to know, DO BIRDS HAVE PERIODS? Does anybody know the answer? I was already standing quite close to it but it still didn't fly away so I shrugged and went on my way. I didn't know how to help it anyway, if it needed help. No medicine for constipation with me and if it's having its period and experiencing cramps, I don't know what to do either, despite the fact that I'm a female. I don't usually experience serious cramps. Can you imagine me massaging a pigeon's abdomen, wherever it is, in the middle of nowhere? Alright I'm just kidding!
And CATS! Yes, cats! So many pretty cats everywhere. There was this white, young one with beautiful fur who once brought it's litter of don't-know-how-many kittens to this area near my uncle/grandmother's house. It stayed for a few days and then moved. Did you know that cats move 7 times after they give birth?
There is also this short stretch road near my house where kittens seem to get born frequently. There are always a few running across the road and our paths. I have seen a couple grow up into young adults (no, not humans), and the rest... I don't know where they went. There is this really old, grey cat near my house. It's a stray, but somehow it seems to have taken the malays in house it usually hangs out at as its owners. It's extremely tame, would sit in the middle of our pathway and not budge and we'd have to walk our way around it. I guess because it is old so it has experience and is not afraid of us. It's darn smart as well. If you stamped your feet at it, it wouldn't even blink an eye. Probably just look at you and make you feel guitly for stamping your foot at it. Before you know it, you'd find yourself apologizing to a cat, complete with bowing at the waist.
There was once I was walking on that pathway and it came toward me. We were both trying to avoid each other, so I stepped to my left and coincidentally it stepped to my left as well, so I stepped to the right instead and it seemed to be thinking the same thing because it stepped to the right at the same time. Ended up standing in front of each other, both wondering which way to go. It then decided to bound way off to my left onto the grass and walked past me. =D
Just yesterday I saw it jump down from the window of the malay family (ground floor) and at another time saw it sleeping on top of the TV set. I actually respect that cat more than I do some humans.
I think that he has a personality which resembles a cat. He reminds me of one.
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