Sunday, February 11, 2007

A blade that's been to places

Yesterday while preparing to take a bath at the kitchen's toilet, I noticed some hair in the sink, the after-result of males shaving their face, those little black dots that don't seem quite like hair. Obviously either my father or brother had just shaved but I was puzzled because there were no appropriate male shavers at the sink. Something nagged at the back of my mind but I couldn't really believe it. So I picked up the pink shaver meant for shaving my nether regions and took a look at it. Indeed, there were those little bits of hair on the blades. I grinned through most of the bath. Later on I asked my father if he'd shaved his chin using the pink shaver and he told me yes because he couldn't find any other shaver. Half-laughing, I told him that was mine. He looked shocked, then asked, "shave your legs one ah?".

"No, shave down there one!" I think he just got the shock of his life.

So that was the day my father used my shaver to shave his face. I think he has learnt his lesson - never use anything that reeks faintly of femininity. *grin* Pun intended.


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At 11:22 AM, Blogger DK said...

Did he wash the shaver before using? :P

At 4:23 PM, Blogger tstar said...

=D I have no idea!

At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u shave ur nether regions?!?!?!


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