Eric & Jenny's birthdays
2 birthday parties in a row.
Eric's birthday at Costa Sands was fun fun fun! He split his group of friends up so I know almost all of those who attended on that day. Small groups are always way more fun than huge ones. If you're organizing your birthday party, try to split your guests up, have parties on different days or something so that they won't feel awkward or left out. Eric made a great decision to do that.
me looking at the many girls in the chalet opposite ours.
me: *drooling* (to the guys) eh, you all see here got so many guys, there got so many girls!
zhengwen: yar, here really a lot of guys *makes circle motion with fingers, indicating all the guys... including me*
It was nice seeing Eric, Jeremy, Seng Hwa, Ping Yong and Brennan again that day. I just realized I was the only girl from my class there. Anyway the first 3 guys are among those I hang out with more often when in JC.
Well, when older guys meet younger guys, what do they talk about? Chao Keng. The older ones who have already ORDed teaching the younger ones still in NS how to "escape" from their army activities.
Also met Caren, a clarinet senior from my secondary school. We talked about her thoughts on whether or not to go for honours year and my dismal grades. She gave me quite a bit of insight. I hope she has made a wise decision.
Caren read/reads my blog. I stared at her in shock. How many other people I know actually reads my blog??
Almost got 'exposed' during the party because I was wearing a skirt and being the person I am, I was lying on the bed with my leg propped at an angle. Fellow ex-AJCian almost got his eyes burned and my junior thumped a pillow onto my thighs immediately. Feel so apologetic for the excitement, if any, caused during exposure to bio-hazardous substance.
Went home very elated, though I almost got lost trying to locate the main entrance from the building I am at. It was an almost straight path.
Met Jeremy in late afternoon to get Jenny, a mutual friend, a birthday present for her 21st birthday. It was always fun when with Jeremy. In case you all forgot or don't know, he is one of the guys I hang out with during JC because we were the only 2 in our entire class with the exact subject combination. Plus we were in the same CCA, same section and he was my Section Leader, me his assistant. He is really super lame and super funny. Somehow we never run out of topics to talk about, probably because we don't meet very often.
We got her a lullaby bunny, super cute! Glad that she likes it. Apparently her boyfriend tried to run off with it too. *smacks Jenny's boyfriend*
Jenny's birthday celebration was dinner at Swensen's at Funan. It was an enjoyable session! Although we only knew each other and Jenny (I know her boyfriend too) we did not feel left out.

We were talking about our JC days, making fun of stuff like our PD Tutor and one of our economics teacher. Very, very fun! We were laughing like mad. Jenny really has not changed, except for the fact that she is now happier and I'm glad that she is.
We had ice-cream cake! =D
On the way home, we were saying that Jenny's boyfriend is really nice and Jeremy felt a bit... I think inferior? Frankly though, he's a great guy just the way he is and I told him that. This sentence might get me some smacks, but I seriously think his girlfriend is very lucky to have him. And I'm blessed to have him as a friend.
Cham, why do this post sound more on Jeremy than Jenny?!
We had ice-cream cake! =D
On the way home, we were saying that Jenny's boyfriend is really nice and Jeremy felt a bit... I think inferior? Frankly though, he's a great guy just the way he is and I told him that. This sentence might get me some smacks, but I seriously think his girlfriend is very lucky to have him. And I'm blessed to have him as a friend.
Cham, why do this post sound more on Jeremy than Jenny?!
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haha lol! i miss u all! :)
Hey Joseph oso same subject combi... haha
jeremy: crap, i forgot....
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