
If you feel that my blog is entertaining, you can vote here. It'd be easy if you are already a user. If you are not yet a user but you do have a blog, you can still sign up and vote. You need not vote for me, though it'd be nice to have some votes. If you have already voted for me, thank you! If not...
DK promised his voters lift upgrades at their blogs, new MRT square line station that will stop at all his voters' blogs and ERS for everyone (virtual money).
*I promise that I will get more excited over seeing army guys.
*subject to terms and conditions. Army guys must be either good-looking or standing far away for me to appreciate them. Also, the following conditions must apply: Their heads must be shaved, they must be tanned, they must have nice, strong arms and they must be tall. They must also be wearing the ceremonial uniform or their number 4. Time and duration of excitement also depends on ovulation cycle of author as well as her mood.
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