Thursday, July 19, 2007


I think it was a couple of months back that I saw this thing called payperpost from either Adrian's or Ridzuan's blog. Basically you get paid to blog. How it works is you write an entry on your blog on certain sites/products according to the requirements of the advertiser you choose to write for. For instance, you seen an opportunity you are interested in writing about so you take it up, then they might request you to write about the site/product in a positive or neutral light, to link the site or to embed an image. I am pretty impressed because this is not one of those things where they pay you maybe 50 cents (or 0.00004 cents) per entry. They actually pay you (from what I gather) from US$5 onwards. It is sensible enough for me who don't spend too much and need whatever money I can earn. However, the type of opportunities you get (and thus the amount you get to earn) vary according to the page rank of your blog. The higher the page rank, the more you are able to pick higher paid opportunities offered.

Heh, this is actually my first sponsored post, so embarrassing. Was far too lazy to go check out my account and opportunities available.

Anyway if you are interested and do not mind making some money from your blog, take a look at it here. Oh and they pay through paypal, so you should sign up for it too.

Wah, wrote so much. I must be one of those rare ones who will write so long and actually include a link to the page rank thing and paypal for a sponsored post.


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