Think Big - Quote

As such, I have decided that everyday I shall post a quote from this book. May each quote be food for thought, to give you the strength you need to go on doing what you do, or to stir up something in you.
Today's quote,
A single idea can transform a life, a family, a business, a nation, a world.
-Dan Zadra (from think big)
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every night until u have to return the book? hehe
i love the library. we shd have library outing one day... got wifi too hahahah!
daphne maia: heh, i intend to copy down all the quotes, so I can possibly have quotes for an entire year!
Library outing... eh, why would you want to go to library to use wifi? you should be looking at BOOKS!
no lah.. then we read books already, can BLOG ABOUT THE BOOKS. hahahahaha. :P
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