Monday, November 12, 2007

On hiatus; Concert

Every semester during this period of time I am messed up, screwed up, very horny and very emotional.

It's the examination period. Seems as if everybody else is on blogging hiatus. Have not been blogging a lot because been simply too busy trying to suck some cocks with studying, projects and other school-related stuff, not to mention handbells practice. A frown is starting to permanently etch itself onto my forehead. So I think I'll be going on a hiatus too until 3rd December because I simply do not have enough time at all to blog.

Before I go off, here's an announcement for a concert put up by both the Ministry of Bellz which is a handbells group and The Anak Baba Band, a percussion-cum-electronic-keyboards band, playing music I promise you have never heard before. I think Anak Baba Band is playing Peranakan music. Argh! I'm playing in this concert and I do not even know! So embarrassing. Then again I am a ringer in the Ministry of Bellz, not Anak Baba Band. Do come down and watch us! It's my first time performing as a handbell player, should be interesting. You may come down to laugh at me. I promise I will not throw the bell at you.

26th December 2007, Wednesday
Time: 3pm or 8pm
Venue: The Arts House @ The Old Parliament
Price: $15

If you do not know, this is how a handbell look like:


Think Christmas.

If you are interested, please do leave a comment on this post or drop me an email at with any questions, the number of tickets you want and your details. Will get back to you very very quickly because just about everything is linked to my email.

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At 1:52 AM, Blogger mr.udders said...


At 2:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi i used to play handbells in my secondary school, absolutely adore it. just wondering how you got involved in this ministry of bellz thing? and i will probably want tickets to that concert cos handbell performances are just so rare in singapore! omg super exciting(:

At 6:38 AM, Blogger tstar said...

hello natalie!

we are a fairly new group, only formed about 3 to 6 months ago. we've been to HK to learn and to perform with the embellishment quartet. would be great to have you in the audience! if you're interested you can email me at with your contact details? we can meet up and i can pass you the tickets then. =)


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