Not enough time to blog. Seriously, this is my most serious and most well-used semester - including exam period. Ironically, I have 6 modules and 6 papers to take, supposedly my most heavy semester so I'm supposed to be a complete wreck and all, which I still am. Sorta.
Anyway, hamsters say hi for me since I'm not free.
Tried to take a picture of father hamster sleeping with its head sticking out of the tube but it woke up and showed me his ass instead:

I think the weather must have been too warm for it to sleep inside any enclosed area. It has been sleeping in the running wheel or somewhere in the tank, whole body stretched out. Sometimes it sleeps on its back, sometimes on its side,

sometimes it finally sleeps like a hamster - all curled up.
Anyway why the heck would it be sleeping in the wheel?!
At least I think it's the baby hamster. Or it might be the father. Forgot which it was because picture taken quite some time ago. It's not technically a baby anymore but well, we haven't quite worn off calling it that. It's akin to calling a human "baby" in his/her mid-twenties.
Dammit, I'm supposed to not blog and let the hamsters do the talking.
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