Recycling survey

I tried searching online for a more detailed list of items which can be recycled in Singapore, because apparently not every country/district/province recycle everything or the same things, but have not found a lot of stuff. However, SembCorp does have a short list or description on what can or cannot be recycled as well as a longer elaboration on glass recycling. I believe this might answer some basic questions we have on recycling.
In any case, I got fed-up searching for information and as such, I now want to know if others face the same problem as me, and more specifically, I want to know exactly what kind of items have you all wondered if they can be recycled, or have put into your recycling bins/bags before. Also, what other kinds of questions do you have on recycling? For instance, what to do with empty ink cartridges or do we have to wash the items clean or are getting rid of the larger waste in containers sufficient for recycling (because they will wash for us)? I mean it isn't very easy to wash a container when you're out.
I wonder why nobody in the higher-up chairs ever tried to answer these questions or get the information to us. Don't recycling start from the bottom and how can I recycle properly if I have so many questions plaguing me?
Another thing I wanted to do is to see if there is anything I can do, however little it is, to help answer some of the questions you might have about what to recycle or not to recycle.
As such, I have created a survey to get an idea about the questions you might have about recycling. (Dammit, I know this is a convenience sample, but applicability of results is not a problem here, so convenience sample should serve me fine.) I would appreciate if you could fill in this short survey and list as many things as possible if the questions ask of you. There is also a section inside allowing you to list any other questions you might have about recycling.
Do note that this survey is only for Singaporeans or people residing in Singapore.
Recycling Survey
Thank you!
If you have any other comments, want to correct something I have said here, or would like to share some recycling information whether exclusive or not to Singapore, you can comment here or email me. Email's in the "About Me" box in the side-bar.
Labels: recycling
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if you don't get very informative responses from your survey (i dunno if will or not) it might be it's hard to think of the answers at the given moment
my personal opinion, is to make a quiz and ask ppl to select from multiple choice, what things they think can be recycled and what cannot. or ask them what they have thrown into the recycling bin before (give multiple choice). I think free response is quite tough, not always easy to remember what i have or might put into the bin.
so far still ok, but prob is I wouldn't know how good is good replies.
I thought about multiple choice, but it is very difficult because there are a million and one things I could list and it still would not have encompassed what you put in. Then I wanted free response coz I have no idea what people dump in, so in a way I need to have a general response first before I can put it into multiple choice.
The main part of the survey was actually "what items have you wondered if it could be recycled". I use free response coz the responses that I put are most likely questions I've thought about, not originally others' questions. If I put there, then they will think "oh yar hor, this one also" and likely to not list stuff other than what was given. I wanted stuff that I didn't think of, so I chose free response instead.
I'm not really interested in the figures, just the qualitative answers for now, so free response is more appropriate I think, though I agree tougher to respond to.
Thx though, my-paparazzi-victim. =P
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