Thursday, October 19, 2006

(Losing) weight; MY sun

Congratulate me, because I am officially 42kg (going on 43).

*big grin*

Now I'm back to 3 years ago when I actually feel fat. Ok, I should hit the pool or the gym soon if not I'll really regain whatever I lost last year, which I should be happy about, right? Not exactly. I liked having a flat tummy, where I can kind of see the shape of the abs.
Yar, I can't make up my mind which I prefer. I'm indecisive. Just this afternoon, I spent 10 minutes at the chocolate section in NTUC, trying to decide which one(s) to buy. Had a sudden chocolate craving since yesterday.
You should also note that I made the choice of walking all the way to the mall, which is an approximately 15 - 17 minutes walk away, instead of buying some random chocolate from downstairs because

1) The choices are wider at the mall

2) The prices are lower (by the way, cheers sell their chocolates way more expensive.)

3) I think my legs need more exercise because they are fat

4) The same goes to my body

5) Bascially I think I need to lose weight

Consider the last 3 points and the fact that I bought 2 bars of Hershey's chocolate and an entire bag of Maltesers. And while checking out the name of the bag of chocolates in the fridge, I just ate one more maltesers. Hehz. Oh maltesers are really good! You all have to try them!

Okay, that's it! I'm going to start exercising again!

The sun is an orange glob again today, so I decided to share the news with 3 of my friends because well, nobody looks up in the sky to look at the sun, right? Wrong. 2 of them replied that they had seen it already. I guess I could find comfort in the fact that the third friend asked how come like that, but I suspect she had already known.

Damn. I thought I was the one only who noticed it...

...It was supposed to be MY orange-glob-sun.

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At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I almost got myself a real big $6.95 bag of maltesers at Cocoa Trees when I was at Vivocity a few days back. But i got Swiss Delice Brownies Chocolate instead. :)

At 12:16 AM, Blogger tstar said...

ooh, 6.95! Mine is the $3+ one... must be huge, 6.95... swiss delice brownies chocolate? haven't heard of them lehz... are they good? if they are i'm going to try them.. after I finish my current loot, haha... how much do they cost anyway?

At 5:45 PM, Blogger tstar said...

xin li zhuo yong. I AM thin, but body not firm liao. And I didn't say I needed to diet lahz, I just need to exercise... Damn, I have a tummy liao can...


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