Monday, January 15, 2007

Financial issues

Utterly pissed at myself.

Case #1

A few days before the first of one of my Psychology lectures, I checked IVLE "used books" forums for anybody selling that particular text. I found nobody. As such, I thought that the text had changed and so I went ahead and bought the new text. A couple of days before the lecture, I met Yanting, she said last semester they were using the same text and I was very shocked. During the actual lecture itself, I met another friend who say that she saw people selling the same book on IVLE. I checked today and horror of horrors, I have just spent an additional $10+ on a brand new text that I could have gotten second hand. There is also the probability of the lecturer changing the text next semester and seriously, the book isn't that great. ARGH. I could have put that extra money to better use!

Case #2

One of the reasons why I came home to eat today is because I had a budget to keep to and saving today's lunch would mean I could use it for next week's lunch/dinner in school. I vaguely remember I might have to have dinner in school next week or something and I don't want to dip into the reserve of money meant for paying of school fees (in the future). Then I went to Hougang Mall and spent 2 freaking dollars (more than my lunch) on 2 packets of Famous Amos which aren't really that great tasting. No idea why I bought them either. Impulse spending. Well at least my family can enjoy those cookies.

Sian, like I don't have trouble trying to survive on the money that I have already.


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