Sunday, January 07, 2007


But whatever I do, in the end I'm still so... insignificant. I'm just like everybody else. Even if I die, everything continues...
But why do you want to be significant?

Only today do I realize that knowing your significance and actually accepting it are two different things altogether. I think I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that I am but only one human, not that important, very ordinary, and that even if I should disappear one day, the world goes on. Big-headed me, huh? I'm still not sure whether that horrible stage in the past where desperation and continuous depression gripped me was because I couldn't come to terms with it or because I just didn't expect it, but it's much better now and I'm guessing that I'm coming to terms with it.

This is one of the first hard, cold fact I learned in 2007.
Satisfaction and humbleness. Maybe it's time I learned satisfaction and humbleness.
I like 2007 already.


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