Sunday, January 21, 2007

Offer; that little thing

My brother was offered the chance to take 'S' paper for maths or physics. Think he's going to go for physics. =S

Last year I saw an erection over at my grandmother's kitchen. In fact, I saw it everyday for a very long time. I loved it, laughed at it, felt it and put my mouth to it. Its length was perfect until a few weeks ago when it shrunk to almost half its original length.

I'm talking about the piece of cloth wrapped over the opening of the tap.

It's hilarious! Whenever the tap is turned on, the limp little cloth fills up almost immediately and looks like a cock, really! Imagine having to put your mouth close to it to rinse your mouth. I was almost afraid to touch it because it reminded me dreadfully of that other thing. Well, it's much softer than that other thing anyway (haha). Then this couple of weeks it got shorter because there was a hole at the top of the cloth, causing a spout of water to shoot out from there so it was adjusted. It's a cute little thing now, utterly small with its original thickness. =D

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