I've got trouble with deciding how to address lecturers.
Prof T.T. Lim:
I used to wonder why clouds don't fall down.
It was me, myself and I for the lecture today. After lecture I approached the lecturer to ask some questions but somehow the questions became a short chat/feedback session. I didn't suspect that anything was wrong when this girl continued sitting silently on one of the chairs because she had asked her question before me. Until there was finally a significant pause in the chat that I looked at the girl and she looked up, grabbed her chance and asked her question. It hit me then that she had been waiting for us, or specifically me, to stop talking and leave or something so that she could ask her question and leave the room, which she did hurriedly. And all this time I thought she was interested in the content of the chat. Felt so embarrassed after that because the chat lasted for about 15 minutes before she could ask her final question. Imagine sitting there, bored but don't know how to cut in. After the girl left, the chat continued for about another 15 minutes before. It was odd talking to the lecturer for so long.
Especially when he reminded me of Einstein.
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