Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I saw two mynas today. I am very happy.

I saw two mynas basking in the sun today. Feathers fluffed, sitting in the grass, beaks slightly opened. Several others were hopping around them and I wondered why, so I stopped in my path, whistling to them and staring at the fluffed ones. Then they popped up to their feet, sqwaked away and flew off.

I have a fascination with mynas, except when they are shitting. I think they are cute. Maybe it's because I've spent more of my time staring at them than at pigeons or sparrows. There don't seem to be as many pigeons around as compared to the past while sparrows... I'm afraid that I'll step onto them one day.

That day a glob of bird-shit fell from a tree I was walking under and landed about a metre away from me. Thought that I was very lucky.

I saw a single myna on the roadside today. It sqwaked very loudly, walked along for a while, cocked its head and seemed to look at me, then it flew away. I wondered where it flew to. Did it fly to find its partner? Or to find place where there are more food? Did you know that birds are very faithful? They find a partner and stick to them for the rest of their lives. Isn't it amazing?

I never knew that a pack of cigarettes were so light. Thought they'd be heavier. No, it wasn't a pack of Marlboro Light. Super lame pun.


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