Sunday, February 04, 2007


Sure I can't run, don't swim perfectly, ain't the smartest of the lot, don't have perfect vision, don't have a picture-perfect face, don't have marvellously smooth legs etc. etc. But there's one thing I DO have, one thing I have mastered perfectly. I do it so well that sometimes I completely amaze myself. With each passing year it just gets increasingly better. It doesn't deteriorate, in fact I just get better at it.

It's procrastination.

I procrastinate so much I scare myself. Sometimes I procrastinate because I am plain lazy, other times it's because I have no interest in the task at hand or that there are distractions around. I can't concentrate for more than 15 minutes - I start to drift. I can read the one line 10 times and not understand what it's saying, and I'm talking about simple, easily understood statements. Sometimes I think I'm really sick of formal studying after doing so for more than half my life. Do you know that if you keep your mind active, you will be at a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease? But slacking feels so good. Not doing anything, or just using minimal brain power.

Argh! I have so much to do, but I procrastinate so much!

Lazy, aren't I?


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At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

procrastination is a thief of time...

i think we lost quite a bit of our wealth ~ measured in seconds and minutes all these while ey...

Don't worry, there are more than just u who is plain lazy out there!!!

Keep up the good work!!! May u be the King of all procrastinators oneday!!!

Jia You!

At 9:11 AM, Blogger tstar said...

NO!!! I don't want to be the King (nor the Queen) of procrastinators!!! I very poor already!!


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