Military wedding - men in uniform
Adrian has this video on his blog about his friend's military wedding last night. As bad as the quality of the video is (heh, sorry Adrian), I could see the groom in his No. 1 ceremonial uniform and it positively made me all fidgety.
Apparently anybody can wear that uniform but only officers have swords and, I think, only officers of certain ranks can have a military style wedding. Thank you Adrian for attempting to explain to me.
This next video, a totally unrelated to the above mentioned wedding, has swordbearers slow marching into the hall.
Heck, who cares what rank or what positions they are? Those uniforms are enough to make me go weak in the knees and feeling tension in places I can't mention. Damn, if my wedding is military styled and my groom is in that uniform, I would, after saying my vows or whatever, stop everything and drag him into the hotel room. Either that or I will spend the rest of the night fidgeting and teasing him under the table.
Ok, I am getting high and floaty from thinking about men in uniforms. And this is just thinking! I have not even really seen one in real life yet.
Have. To. Stop.
Need. To. Breathe.
Labels: knick-knacks
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