Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sick; Sweater

CJ on GTalk,

You are better than a gentleman.

Prolonged exposure, that is 9 hours, to a bacteria-filled Hong Yi resulted in me finally catching the flu bug after having survived fleeting exposures (read: 20 minutes everyday) to 3 sick friends over the course of a week. The bug hasn't fully taken over my body yet and my immune system is vigorously fighting it. I can feel the heat inside of me, the slight headache and slightly churning stomach as well as a sudden chill. Symptoms can take a turn for the worse or go the other way. Hope sleep tonight will energize immune system enough to fight off the bug. Have not been sick in a while.

Forgot to bring my shawl to work today but Hong Yi lent me his sweater to wear the whole day. Am extremely grateful and apologetic to him because the smell on me after lunch at the coffeeshop rubbed off onto the sweater and now he has to bring home to wash.
Sweater too large. Looked like I was wearing my boyfriend's sweater to work or, because the sweater covered my entire shirt, looked like I just woke up from sleep wearing nothing underneath save for the sweater and a skirt.

Wow. Visual.


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