Singapore Heritage Fest 2007
So after gathering yesterday, JY and I headed to Suntec City to look at the Singapore Heritage Fest exhibition. Ok, actually it was me who really wanted to go and JY decided to go with me.
When we got there, there was a lady telling stories to a small group of kids. She was animated and entertaining, great story-teller!
lady: so who has a white bear?
cousin: (quietly to me) I have!
me attempts to pull her arm to "hand-raising" position
There are basically two areas, one is at the empty space in front of the customer service counter the moment you enter Suntec through main entrance beside Balaclava, the other is at Tropics Atrium. The first area is termed the Kids Corner or something of the likes. This is not to say there is a lack of exhibits. It is here that I found most of the interesting exhibits. Show you all some of the items there.
One of the first things we saw was a gramophone with vinyl records beside it.
Then I spotted these, which I thought my mother would be pleased to see:
Especially the iron, which she has told us repeatedly how she operates it. Unfortunately, the one below seems to be electricity-operated while I remember she said she used to put coals into the iron to heat it that way.
This got me super excited:

These are from our time(!) :
Cousin and I felt so old after that.
After which we proceeded to Tropics Atrium to look at more stuff.
I think this egg basket was in my grandmother's time. I don't remember seeing it in my era (era! knn, feel so old) anymore.
I have seen these and tried to play with them before. My mother vividly remembers them:
The lantern in the past was of course lit from inside with a candle. Here it is lit with an electric bulb for exhibition purposes.
I simply had to take a picture of this because I don't even see the restaurant here anymore:
There is a reason why I took a picture of this blackboard (chalkboard) :
Blackboards are truly a thing of the past. It was already fading out in my late Primary / early secondary school days. My sister, 12 years younger than me, in Primary 3 has never seen one in her life, although she has seen chalk before, but that's only because we have some in our house, somewhere in the depths of the storeroom. Wrong, my sister has seen it before - in cartoons! -_-''' Erm, thank god for cartoons? I remember how there would always be the date and day on the top left or right hand corner of the board.
And I thought this might strike some as familiar:

That would be about all from me. The exhibition ends today, Sunday 29th July 2007. Do drop by to take a look. There are lots of stuff that I didn't talk about here.
Labels: sgheritagefest, surroundings
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Thanks for this post. I like heritage. I figured that you play the percussion from your profile photo. Do you play other instruments as well?
hello! you're a double bass player, right? i've seen you all played at LT13 when doing a promo for your concert. I used to play piano but i haven't touched it in a long time.
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