KL - Some sights
We laid down on the concrete floor, tried hovering over the water, tried all sorts of angles and in the end only managed to capture part of it:
In all its (literally) shining glory.
Junxiang was saying that it's really a waste of electricity and I agree. From what I could see, there were rows and rows of light on the building itself and also from sources like that below:
I was so amazed by the fact that I could see this huge beam of light that I stopped and took a picture of it. Almost expected to see the batman sign in the sky. So much light and electricity just to light up an office building with nobody in it?
I feel very suaku (mountain tortoise) because when I first entered Malaysia, I saw billboards. Lots and lots of them. I have never seen billboards before in real life, I think. So I discretely tried taking pictures of them on the moving bus but ended up with none because
Then there's so much greenery, so much land! I could not help but start snapping pictures of it.
It takes 2 hours to travel from one end of Singapore to the other end but takes 5 hours to travel to KL. Suddenly Singapore feels so tiny. Ok, so we're tiny in actual fact and now I feel even more suaku for being so amazed at the matter of seeing greenery, land and billboards.
Oh have I mentioned that their postboxes are really cute?
All this from just the beginning of a trip to KL, a city that bears certain resemblances to Singapore. Imagine what would happen if I went elsewhere completely unlike Singapore. I'd probably get an orgasm on the spot.
Ok, almost time for me to start blogging proper about the trip.
Labels: KL, surroundings, trip
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