That day mother asked me why I want to marry. Was speechless for a while then I told her because then I can have sex.
She also asked me if I had any physical intimacy with any guys. I swear she has asked me this at least 4 times and she has never remembered what I told her. So I decided to take my friend's advice and told her "NO, OF COURSE NOT! Now stop asking me already..." *blush*
The blush wasn't planned.
Wah kao, these kind of things I really don't know how to lie. Blush, pause, shout and get nervous at all the wrong places. There are so many things in my life to quiz about, why must my mother quiz me about my sexual life?!
Told somebody just now that he's completely useless but I'm more useless than him in practically every other way. In fact, I think I'm more useless than a lot of people in practically every other way.
Daphnemaia said if I don't believe in myself that who will?
*shrug* I don't know.
You know I really hate those couples I see. Holding hands, being sweet. I desperately want to go over and slam my bag into their faces. Because wherever I go, I'm fucking alone and I'm sick of being fucking alone and seeing others in love and having sex and experiencing whatever shit that comes with it. I only have sex with myself and have physical intimacy with some random guy(s) I hardly know and whatever shit I experience I fucking keep it inside myself.
Think I'll go have an orange now.
Sorry if I upset anyone in the process of this post.
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