Saturday, May 24, 2008


My motto: Make Lists and Do Stuff
Motto number 2: Just Do Stuff, Don't Think Too Much

If disturbed, make lists, do stuff, don't think too much.
If upset, make lists, do stuff, don't think too much.
If tired, make lists, do stuff, don't think too much.
If listless, make lists, do stuff, don't think too much.
If heartbroken, make lists, do stuff, don't think too much.
If happy, make lists, do stuff, don't think too much.
If in doubt, make lists, do stuff, don't think too much.

The same goes for everything else.

Am a little moody now. Shall go wash up, pack and sleep. I like routine. Oh by the way, sleep does wonders!


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At 3:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i do that too o.O"

ticking stuff off the list makes me feel accomplished somehow. haha.

cheer up! :)

At 12:39 AM, Blogger tstar said...

YES! It makes me feel like I have control!

Thanks Wendy! =)


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