No motivation. Hiatus.
I've spent hours on photoshop with no results to show and am feeling quite fed-up. In fact, I am feeling fed up of everything, for some reason.
Need exercise, less food, more activity, more motivation.
Spoke to Chu Wen last night. Asked him how can he keep on working at the pace he is going - consecutive days of work without rest. He said it's possible, just take pride in what you're doing and force yourself to keep going.
Often, I find my motivation in people around me. People who aren't famous or rich (yet) - seemingly perfectly ordinary people. Their persistence can be amazing.
Few weeks ago while I was in a slump, I asked Ridzuan how does he keep on doing what he does, how does he keep himself motivated. He said sometimes he also gets tired, get distracted or drift off to do something else, but at the end of the day, he knows what he has to do and he returns to that ultimately.
tstar feels like she has lost her direction in life. Often she wonders if she is not working hard enough and somewhere inside her, she knows that is partly the reason. Other times she sees people who hardly put in effort shoot all the way up front to the desired destination. Sometimes she labours to achieve just a single step. Often she wonders if it's true the process is more important than the destination.
tstar is lonely. She wonders if she needs a partner. But this heart is already very broken. tstar has no trust in herself. tstar has no trust in guys. tstar has no trust in relationships.
tstar don't feel like blogging anymore. tstar will go on hiatus from now.
tstar is sad she can't blog fluently like in the past. tstar is sad she has to go on hiatus and leave her readers alone but tstar is also sad she can't provide blog material of some standard for her readers. tstar miss her blog and feel sorry. Maybe tomorrow tstar will feel happier (and feel like a blogger again) then tstar will come back from hiatus and write something sensible.
Now tstar shall shut herself off from the blogging community and drown herself in work and classical music.
tstar loves her readers =) Have a good time elsewhere.
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