Monday, August 25, 2008

Pre - Green Carnival 2008

Tomorrow, I mean, this coming morning, will be the official launch of Green Carnival 2008 which will also be the platform for the launch of "NUS Fights Climate Change".

Green Carnival
is proudly brought to you by SAVE. Bleh, trying to do the advert thing where there's always that "blah-blah-blah is proudly brought to you by Yeo's (pause), something (pause) and something-else".

Finally the photos are up (after some rough handling) just this evening and I just finished cutting voting slips for you all to vote. I think the voting slips look neater than the descriptions for the photos. Measuring, cutting and pasting paper is not good in wet weather - everything becomes damp and sort of crumpled. Yes, please come and vote for the photo which you feel best answers the question "What does Climate Change mean to you?" Outsiders welcome to visit too!

Well, have to wake up early tomorrow. Do check out Green Carnival 2008 at Central Forum, NUS, from 25th August (Monday) to 27th August (Wednesday). Media's coming, Guests-of-Honor are coming, everything looks neat, there are flowers around, there's a pretty stage...

It looks pretty impressive so far.

I hope the photos don't drop during the opening ceremony. *prays*

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