Results nightmare
So many blogs talking about results and so many friends (and one cousin) talking about results that last night I think I had a nightmare on results. Initially I didn't even bother thinking about the results, don't even want to see the "fake results" or "leaked out results" or whatever results that people were talking about. I really don't understand why so many of my friends and others are upset that they didn't get a glimpse of their results on that now-removed-website. Isn't it good to have your freedom and no worries days prolonged just a little bit longer? Ok maybe they were equally nervous before knowing their results as well, but I think that's because they really gave their best during the exams. I just hope I don't fail sociology (cause it was shit on my paper), get at least a C for the other 2 modules and if possible As for the only 2 modules I am (very) confident in.
ARGH! Talking about results is freaking me out and reminding me how badly I did during the exams!! Stop stop stop! I should be enjoying myself! I don't want another nightmare tonight.
Breathe! Breathe!
I don't want school to start anytime soon. =( I really really like my days the way they are now.
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