Wednesday, January 17, 2007


It is barely 2 weeks into school and I have to study for a test next week. Marvellous.

I was very hungry during lecture today before lunch and was really looking forward to some food. It didn't help that people sitting around me were eating biscuits or some food from the cafe outside LT, in fact I was salivating. So after lecture I happily went to that same Mee Siam stall outside LT9/10, only that now the guy was selling Laksa and Nasi Lemak. Despite knowing that I have a weak stomach, I thought I'd give the laksa a shot because the egg inside the container was really tempting. So he poured the gravy into the container, closed it and placed a plastic fork and spoon on top, I gave him the money. He took one look at the money, his face crumpled into confusion and said, "Eh, it's $2.50..." I was shocked and surprised because the other time I passed that stall, a sign said very clearly "Laksa $.150" and today it's $.250. Then he told me later on that tomorrow it will be $2. I feel so cheated. It wouldn't have mattered if I enjoyed the food but the thing is that I didn't because firstly it wasn't that nice and secondly after that my stomach was all weird, not to mention the fact that I was sitting beside the toilet while eating. Sigh, must I always meet with such misfortune everytime I try something new? I miss The Deck. Well at least I'll be having lunch with my cousin tomorrow at a proper canteen. Proper company.

Also met my friend on the bus today (and saw another cousin as well) and he said that I have a very heavy workload this semester. After the Biopscyhology lecture yesterday, I absolutely agree because I make no head or tail of what the lecturer said. I only know there's a membrane and there are sodium and potassium ions which pass through the membrane and him saying something like "I go in, all the students go out", as well as "if the nucleus were drawn to scale, the whole thing plus the axon would be out of campus already". And then because 3 out of 4 of my Psychology modules are taught by Caucasians, I have trouble remembering which lecturer teach which module. Their faces all look the same to me. Have I ever mentioned that I have a little trouble making sense of what they say too, because of their accents?

Anyway, school is a rock. (School rocks, school is a rock, get it?)

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