Saturday, March 31, 2007


From Wulfe's blog,

Paraphrased from a National Geographic documentary, "Light at the Edge of the World" about Buddhism in Tibet. Here specifically talking about meditation.

"Meditating is about being still. And suddenly you realise that a whole lot of thoughts rush into your mind. Thoughts of the past, thoughts of the future... just everything except what is happening at the moment.

But these thoughts did not just come into your mind because it has become still, they have always been there all the time; below the surface. It is when you have become still that you finally notice them.

The mind is like a butterfly. It flits onto a flower, stays a moment and then goes away again. Nobody really knows why. Bring it back gently again. Control it.

But don't think that controlling your mind means a loss of freedom. Imagine a sailor on the sea. If he was just drifting along with the current, would you call that freedom? Only when he takes control of the helm and directs the boat, can he go where he wants. That then, is freedom."

At another part of the program, this was said:

"Imagine the mind as a calm lake and thoughts as the buffeting wind that whips up the waves. Control your thoughts, and still the lake. Be calm"

At the end he asks,

We are so proud of our science and our education; but for all we have learnt, we do not know more than people who live in the mountains. Why do we confuse knowledge with wisdom? I wonder.
Is knowledge equals to wisdom? What is wisdom without knowledge, though? What is knowledge? What is wisdom?
If you have a First class honours degree, a PhD, a Masters, do you really think you are wise? Do you know the meaning of life outside academia and work?

Nothing much, just thinking about stuff.

Wonder how meditation is like.

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