Mugging mode - On
Just realized how little time I have left till the examinations, so from now on it's going to be mug mug and more mugging. There might not be consistent daily entries from now till I finish my exams on 3rd May or at least until 24th or 25th April. Of course factors determining whether or not you'll see an entry includes my determination to not touch the computer (very difficult), concentrate on my notes (difficult), to not take breaks every 5 minutes to check the internet (extremely difficult) and walk/look around (kind of difficult).
Anyway examinations screws up my mood like crazy, so you are all permitted to ignore me and my sudden mood shifts until examinations are officially over on 3rd May. Even if mood shifts are not due to exams, you all are still permitted to ignore me because you all have listened enough to my complaints and crying and stuff already. =)
To aid you all in studying, here, have a piece of chewing gum to keep you awake:

Labels: knick-knacks, NUS
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