Hi mummies and daddies from ping.sg, I am here to report to you the details of dinner with you-all-know-who.
Felt utterly sick of staying at home in front of the computer yesterday, not to mention darn guilty, so I twittered on impulse, asking if anybody wanted to date me. Ridz replied, so we had the timing set and opened the dinner to anybody else who wanted to join us. Somehow nobody did and dk very nicely twittered that everybody on the shoutbox agreed not to go. I decided to ignore the twitter. Anyway CJ did tell me he might join us later on. It felt so good, getting out of the house.
Supposedly meeting at 7.30pm but we were both late. Somehow I've grown a habit of arriving late when meeting people. (note: it must be a nightmare for cousin. Must get out of house earlier) Had dinner at a foodcourt. The guy at the Chicken Rice stall gave me an egg though I didn't ask or paid for it. Said it was a gift from his colleague. First time that ever happened. It was odd but I didn't mind because I like eggs.
Had a nice chat with Ridz, though I think my brains are not in the right state for critical thinking. No idea why we were talking about psychology and the ethics board. It was good to see somebody have the same opinion as I that ethics in experiments might be brought a little too far. Too much means not good enough scientific advancement. Conversation reminded me of a chat with somebody else, but I can't remember who that somebody else is. I hope it didn't bore him though. And it's the first time I've seen a guy not finish his meal.
Did I mention there are these 2 quite cute guys at the table beside us?
Played a trick on him - hid his phone when he went to buy a drink. Was trying very hard not to giggle, failed miserably of course but he didn't notice. Amazingly, he didn't realize until perhaps 15 minutes later when he couldn't find his phone. Should have seen the look on his face =P Seemed as if he panicked (?) because he wouldn't say a single word when I asked what happened, which made me feel guilty so I slid the phone back towards him when he was checking in his bag. From now on, my phone will be by my side at all times wherever I go, especially if ridzuan is at the table.
Think it was at 9pm when we left the food court, walked around and ended up at Esplanade. On the way there we saw this:

The area must be still under construction, but couldn't help making fun of it.
Not to mention that we also heard announcements for ticket holders of Phantom of the Opera to enter the theatre. I want to watch too.
Ended up at Häagen-Dazs where Ridz forced me to have an ice-cream. Yes, forced me to have one. But he paid for it. Haha.

And this, mummies, daddies and friends, is my dinner with a boy. Don't worry, I play safe.
And in case you all really think that there is something between us, you can wipe out that thought right now because we are really just friends.
I'm watching a movie with another male friend this Sunday though, you all want to tease me about that? =P
Labels: knick-knacks, ping.sg, surroundings
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But really lor... nobody wanted to go leh.
yar, i think it's because uzyn, you and the others never go...
Awww! So sweet :D It does look like a lovely night out :)
By the way, Mr Singapore definitely has no emotions :P
if i'm not wrong, the installation should include hundreds of CDs with different expression written on each. You know, like emoticons. I think they took down already. Hehe.
sylv: ohh ok.. haha, thx.. that'd explain why there's no sign saying it's under construction.. i just assumed it is. hehz...
I took some pictures of the exhibit before it was taken down. Maybe you'd wanna check out this post if you are interested: http://lastsplash.blogspot.com/2007/05/tickle-art.html
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