Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Kids again - conversation

Taken from cousin's blog,

Dad: "Tie the plastic bag (so that fruits will not drop out) and just put them on the floor..."

Me:" Aiya..let brother take with him since he sitting at the back..."

Dad:"Oh..then just put at the backseat lor..."

Brother: "Then need to put seatbelts for the fruits ma?"


Jenny says my blog got Olivia, very cute. But since it's only my sister, I have decided to incorporate what some other kids say too to give it some variety.

Actually I feel that Piaget's form of education is quite good. Not to force upon the child adult concepts until their cognition is well developed enough to cope with such thoughts. If we force, it'll only bring on frustration and tension in the relationship because we try to make them understand something they simply cannot understand, and I really see no point in that. OK, make no sense to you all, I know. =P

Anyway, what my cousin's brother (who is also of course my cousin -_-") just displayed might just be termed animistic thinking, the attribution of life-like qualities to inanimate objects because of the child's inability to see from another person's point of view, i.e egocentrism. In this case he is unable to see from the fruits' point of view (I mean the fruits has no eyes, but it's something like that) and so assume that everybody and everything thinks the same way as him. Of course this is according to Piaget.

Now you all know what I study in Developmental Psychology. No, it is NOT cute, what I'm studying. Try to multiply that sort of information by 10,000 times. That's the amount of information I have to remember. And it includes things like step 1 of learning language: categorical perception of speech.

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At 3:37 PM, Blogger stephanie said...

hey steph! i learnt abt piaget too! in sc2203 childhood and youth! :)
i liked that mod it was v interesting! haha but i think yours is damn tough! got a lot of info! i rem my lecturer said that kids are v egocentric.. she told us a story about a girl and her grandmother talking on the phone.. the grandma asked the girl, did you have a good day at school?? the girl didn't reply and the ah ma was puzzzled. but actually the girl was nodding her head..it did'nt occur to her that the ah ma couldnt see her response! haha :D how old is ur boy cousin btw? jiayou for ur ppr!!

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Fleck said...

sounds familiar. there used to be a time when I brought water bottle to work, and to prevent it from topple over cos the lid wasn't very tight, I actually safety belted it to the passenger seat. I did that sometimes to delicate stuff. no joke!

At 11:37 PM, Blogger tstar said...

steph: haha! so cute! it's a classic example! =D I don't know how old is he exactly leh, but quite young one, about my sis's age or younger.
thanks steph!

fleck: =D haha.. then imagine you have a friend who wants to take your car and he/she's about to get in and you tell him/her "hey friend, have you met *name* (the bottle)? i'm sorry you have to sit at the back, *name*'s already at the front and belted in. He doesn't exactly want to move." haha..


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