Last day of exam; meetup
Today's Developmental Psychology paper was alright to me. Not wanting ANYTHING to disturb my chances of completing this paper, I woke up at 5.30am today not in excellent condition and left the house at 6.40am and took the 6.55am bus. Bus is the stupid Nokia advertisement bus where the interior is decorated with plush seats, red-white theme. I hate that bus. Can't seat properly and can't sleep comfortably. Really, really needed some rest before the paper. Sometimes I wonder why do rubbish like this happen to me. Arrived in school at 8.15am for my 9am paper. Was so nervous before the paper that I went to shit first then came out and hurriedly went through my mindmaps before heading to MPSH.
The moment I flipped the paper over, I cursed. I never studied the topic in the compulsory question. Never would have expected the question to be such, but I took a deep breath, settle down, told myself I need to finish this paper and it does not matter how long I take to plan, then started to analyze the question. Fortunately, managed to scrape together some stuff from chapters all over the book that sounded sensible to me. Actually I realized the compulsory question is not really on one specific topic but a really general question after you've thought about it some. I hope my approach is right. Ironically, the second section with the more specific question was the one I kind of screwed up though it is a really simple question (knowing Piaget's theory of cognition does not mean I know its strengths and weaknesses) but it's over so not going to think about it. My brain really cannot take this kind of thing already. By the time I finished question 1, I was losing concentration rapidly. Never found it so difficult to focus on one thing before.
Yay, exams are over! =)
Handed up the yellow form and finally saw why it is termed the "yellow form". It is really yellow in colour in the Dean's Office, a stack of it at the front desk. Well I guess my "yellow form" is white in colour.
Then headed to supposedly Jurong Point for lunch with nicole and arzhou, only that I thought Jurong Point is at Jurong East. Then because I was lazy to travel, I asked them to come down instead. =P
Had lunch at Ajisen Restaurant at IMM. Think that's the name. I conclude I don't really like Ramen. Then we went to mini toons where nicole had to spend her $30 voucher and I accidentally left my phone on the table after choosing some stuff for her. Luckily it was still there when I rushed back. Lost my phone once, will be damned if I lost it again. Arzhou left after that, nicole and I walked around. She introduced me to this $2 shop named Daisu on the 3rd level that sells everything at $2, and the stuff are definitely not cheapskate! Worth checking out if you've not been there.
Scoopz there is shutting down and they have this $2 per scoop sale. Had Sour Lemon, which is great until I got sick of the taste and the cone started tasting more interesting than the ice cream itself.
Ice cream is huge.

Nicole's honey-and-peach ice cream with a head on top:

Before we knew it, it was 5.30pm. Left for home.
Oh, arzhou has a love-bite-like birthmark on his neck! I was staring at it the entire time, wondering if he had a night of passion with somebody. Finally couldn't take it and asked nicole if he was attached (because of that mark) and she told me to SMS him and ask if it is really a love bite. Turns out it isn't, but what a lovely natural love-bite birthmark! He said that's the reason why he's still single now. =D Playboy image, huh?
Now I have a fantastic headache. Need lots of sleep.
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U seems to like IMM alot. :P
no lah...
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