2 marvellous days, 2 guys
When you had 2 fantastic days not too far from each other, the other days seem a little too boring and monotonous.
1st fantastic day was at Ridzuan's place on Saturday. Could not believe I actually went all the way to the other end of the island, waited outside his house's backdoor in the rain for 15 minutes before he came down to bring me up, and then at the end of the day took an hour train ride home. Was busted by the time I reached home but had a thoroughly enjoyable day.
What did we do there?
It is 3pm. At ridz's place, boiling his eggs, might explode in a fury of white matter. Very hungry.Link
We cooked. OK, rather, I tried to help, he cooked. Took an amazing 2 hours just to prepare one miserable dish. While waiting for the dish to be ready, he got so hungry he decided to eat biscuits and have some tea, which is the equivalent of a very late breakfast, at about 2.45pm. My gastric pains were starting to act up again at that time. Lunch was finally ready at 3pm.
Then I think we chatted until dinner time which was about 4 hours later and had some instant Ramen noodles which were highly recommended by Ridzuan himself. He cooked those again! By then I really had to leave even if I did not want to.
It was seriously one of the best days I have had in a while.
2nd fantastic day was last night. Met up with a male friend of mine for dinner at Vivocity. Seriously, he needs to learn how to use his phone properly. Phone not set to vibration mode in a noisy and crowded place. Tsk. How am I expected to contact him? Hear this, person concerned? =)
Walked around looking for a good place to eat in. Finally settled for a Japanese restaurant, firstly because he chose it and secondly because my feet hurt too much to walk much further.
There is something about talking to him that makes me feel strangely at ease. Topics don't seem to cease and silences are comfortable, although sometimes he does things that makes me so irritated I frankly want to smack him. Heh.
We ended up having ala carte buffet which was a real deal. The most wonderful dish of all was this Grilled Salmon with Chilli Mayo. Fresh salmon, crispy skin and natural oil, together with chilli mayo on top of it all. A perfect combination.

Him to me a while after consuming the salmon, seeing me laid back in my seat,
Still having an orgasm?
He paid for everything. Am very grateful and quite embarrassed but mostly thankful to him for the treat.
I am actually very amazed at him because although he is only 2 years older than me, he has gone through a lot of things. Ok, fine, a lot of other people have gone through a lot of things too. Don't know, after last night I really do look at him in a different light than before. I look up to him.
He took me to the top level of Vivocity, an open space where there were many people. So we talked. For 2.5 hours. Time seemed too short, passed by too fast. If I could, I would have just sat there beside him through the night.
Managed to catch the last train home.
To me it was... a magical night, that. If it never happens again then so be it. I'm really satisfied with how things were last night. I don't need a lot. The simpler the better.
Labels: knick-knacks, thoughts
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