Saturday, November 10, 2007

Not speaking

I miss him. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, he won't know because he does not come in here anymore.

Why am I missing him anyway? Perhaps it is more of a case of feeling upset that we aren't even talking. I believe LY would understand what I mean.

If we cannot be lovers, why can't we be friends or at least acquaintances on speaking terms? That hurts more than anything else and he probably don't know that fact, probably will never know, probably simply don't care and I don't exactly blame him.

I just cannot accept this.

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At 8:11 PM, Blogger yuka said...

it's sad when you and someone you like are not on speaking terms. because at least you guys can be friends.

well, people can resort to extremes - be a couple or not be together at all, including being friends. that sucks.

maybe acting like nothing has happened, like saying hi, can show him that you are still willing to be friends?

At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it hurts even more when he tells u that he is willing to be ur friend yet he treats u like a stranger.


At 10:23 PM, Blogger tstar said...

snow: i did that online, but he never replies me. I don't see him offline either... =( it was upsetting, then now irritating. maybe i shouldn't bother since he don't, but it's just not me to do that.

lingz: you take care. *hugs*


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