Hamsters escaped and 1 other photo
Yesterday father built a larger enclosure for the hamsters to run about at night. Last night I found the enclosure and tank empty and wondered if I was blind or if they had escaped. I kept pushing one of the houses inside the enclosure and something kept squeaking. Took me a while to realize that it wasn't the hamsters protesting but is really the sound made by friction between cardboard and tiled floor.
Wondered stupidly if the hamsters had escaped, but could not figure out how. Walked out of the balcony and immediately saw two fur balls hunched in two different corners of the house. Woke father up and he caught one with no problem.
The other one happily ran under the damn fridge to hibernate. We kept trying to get it out by shining a non-shiny torchlight underneath the fridge, then switching off the kitchen light and using long sticks and broom and anything else we can use to try and chase it out. I told my father it's a hamster, not a thing that can be swept out.
We finally woke my brother up (because they are his property) although he has to wake up for work at 4am. He sat in front of the fridge while I had my face plastered to the floor, trying to see where I'm poking the stick under the fridge. Then the stupidly-intelligent-mouse ran out, only minutes after my brother sat in front of the fridge. I think it must have smelt its master's body odour or something.
Brother promptly slapped a cardboard box over the stupid mouse while father stood behind my brother, in an American football position, in case the stupid mouse ran off again. I stood to my brother's left, some way away from the stupid mouse that is trying to escape from the weak cardboard box, telling somebody to put the door mat into the gap between fridge and floor.
My father cleverly put the toilet roll, which the stupid mouse really likes, in front of it. Stupid mouse ran into the tube and we dumped the whole thing into the tank. Brother went back to sleep.
I have renamed them from "mousey 1" and "mousey 2" to "stupid mouse" and "stupid rats".
This morning I found one of them sleeping like that:
Wah lao!
Yes I'm afraid of small furry animals.
Cousin YY found piggy so cute she decided to take photos with it.

So I took a picture of them taking a picture together.
Labels: family, funny, knick-knacks, surroundings
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Oh!!! I love hamster!!! XD
Stupid rats.
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