Tuesday, January 29, 2008

One very small goal

I don't know how to make an impact on the world. I don't know how to influence those around me to want to change something about themselves, to aim for something higher, to rethink their wants and goals. I don't have such great power, I don't have such a good heart, I don't have the ability, the charm and the wit to make others remember or respect me.

I used to think of a lot a lot of things and I still do. I used to want to achieve a LOT, but I think right now I think it's too much. I don't know if I'll ever be able to complete all those huge goals that I have - that I still have. Maybe next time I will be able to, or maybe I won't ever be able to. I don't know.

So now I only have a few very small goals.

1) Graduate from NUS
2) Read more on financial stuff
3) Talk to my uncle more

I would love to be able to find my uncle a job. He's in his mid-40s, is diabetic, has lost a leg, has deteoriating vision and according to my father, has low IQ. He has been staying at home, doing nothing except for the basics plus reading the papers, watching television and most of the time, sleeping, for many, many years already. I don't know if he's bored or not, but if it were me I would be. My cousin, Junxiang, was very wise and kind-hearted to have especially come down to my grandmother's place just to talk to him. I don't think I would be able to do anything much regarding the job thingy, so I guess the least I can do is to do what my cousin did - talk to my uncle a little bit more.

I can't impact many. Maybe I can just make a single person's life very slightly better.

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