One down, three to go
Finished one paper this afternoon and the feeling's incredible! Like a weight off my shoulders. Of course now I have to prepare for the next 2 modules within 1.5 days. Ok, that didn't help.
Woke up halfway through my pleasant sleep, feeling hot and sweaty and could not really go back to sleep again. Drifted in and out of consciousness until sometime later when there was some commotion outside my door and my brother came in to switch on the modem and router (after which he left it on). Couldn't fall asleep after that either. So I laid in bed until 9am (alarm's set for 9.30am), hoping to get a little more sleep but to no success so I gave up and got up. Got up with a slight headache, feeling groggy and after a quick check of my mind, found out little of what I studied was still inside. Tried to sleep during the bus journey to school but was unsuccessful. It is one of those rare times I am unsuccessful at sleeping. Usually I sleep until somebody wakes me up at the interchange.
Headed to McDonald's, hoping to have lunch but gave up hope when I saw the queue extended all the way across the room. Think they didn't expect the exam period to be so packed and so were short-staffed. A quick check of engineering's canteen proved nothing to whet my appetite.
Headed to the Japanese shop at Yusof Ishak House and finally got my meal at 12.20pm. They were quite slow, but think they didn't expect so many people on a Saturday either. Rushed through it to 12.41pm (I'm a slow eater). Then with my heart pounding with fear and with the urge to shit, headed to MPSH5 where I finished 50 MCQ questions within half an hour, took 20 minutes to plan my essay (badly, because I was clueless) and rushed through it to the end - Not enough time to write. This is one of those times when planning didn't work and all I needed was to put my pen to the paper and start writing for the ideas to flow. As usual, didn't finish my essay. Only 3.5 pages though. Hope it was concise and good enough to warrant a good grade. Now that I think about it, it doesn't seem so good, but it wasn't as bad as I had expected.
Oh, saw Yihao, a friend from Engineering, while rushing to grab lunch and then saw him still seated at the same spot 2.5 hours later. Chatted for a while. Quite amazed he can sit there and just do work for 2.5 hours. If it's me I'd probably be gone 1.5 hours later.
Took the crowded bus home and teased somebody through SMS. =) It was fun.
Maybe next week I'll be meeting a male friend of mine. Hmm. Maybe something will happen. I wonder.
Labels: knick-knacks, NUS, surroundings
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