Sunday, May 20, 2007

Buskers; piano+guitar; Photo

I don't know why these buskers are here just outside Hougang Mall.

I do know, however, that even if we have seen these people at Orchard, we can still be very fascinated by them. For instance, the writer here stood there for 5 minutes, staring at them standing motionless while members of the public put $2 notes into the box every 30 seconds just to watch them move. Oh the bird in their hands really flaps when they move and stops when they stop. Somehow it seems very good money - stand there and let people ogle at you (fully clothed, too) and they pay to watch you move.

Do you think anybody wants to buy this:

I bought it and assembled it and now I have no idea where to put it. But it's so pretty I kind of can't bear to part with it.

Last night at Kim's birthday party we got bored.

Pearl and I

Taken using my very low resolution secondary camera.

Do you know that there are leaves engraved into the pavements around the chalets at Changi.


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At 7:24 PM, Blogger yz said...

huh! you all went! haha. good that u post a pic of pearlin and urself there. very long nvr c u both le =)

and i like the piano and guitar thing. it's really pretty. where did you get it?

At 10:05 PM, Blogger tstar said...

hey yz! i thought i just saw you not long ago or something? Ok, think that was more than a month ago.

yar, it's pretty isn't it! I bought it at hougang mall for $3.90 and assembled it. There's a sale there on the ground floor.


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