Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Random (work, dinner & dreams)

It is 11.22pm. Am aware I have to blog and I do have stuff to blog about but I have work tomorrow and I am tired.

Crap, I just realized I forgot to call home today to ask somebody to return my library books.

Work is still work, nothing much to talk about. Helped LY a little on the recruitment aspect because she lost her voice almost completely and was not at work today. Let's just say I realized I would really like to take up a sales assistant job again. Odd, but I actually miss the interaction.

Met Ridzuan for dinner again. I don't understand why we ended up at mcdonald's at Forum when there were at least 2 others along the stretch from MRT onwards. Finally returned him a treat. Then we chatted. Rather, he talked and I listened. It is so complicated that I am frankly amazed at what he is thinking about. I don't understand why things cannot be simple. No. I understand why things cannot be simple, but why must things be so complicated? Or is it that because people view it in more complicated ways?

Politics and business. I don't think I can ever go into either of these. Too naive. So naive that I can be backstabbed and I probably wouldn't know.

Frankly amazed. I mean he's my size leh, though two years my senior, but *scratch head*... Age really do a lot of things. Ok, I am just frankly amazed at seniors who have particular type of mindsets.

Adrian's rum brownie is actually nice. Though I don't really like sweet cakes, his rum brownie is sweet but not too sweet, and the rum taste is strong. There was a warm sensation in my throat after having a few bites. Slightly crusty upper layer too with some ingredients inside the brownie that I forgot.

I don't think I have ever eaten a brownie before. It seemed cruel to eat one of the fairy folks.

I am glad that DK has made his choice of quitting his (much hated) job and picking up a skill while he is unemployed. The first very crucial step in chasing his dream.

I don't have a dream. I'm very easily happy. I just want to continue blogging, read more on mental illnesses (provided I can stop fidgeting enough to sit and read) and have a job I don't dread going to then I am happy.

Ok, I lied. My dream is to be good enough to be a Clinical or Counseling Psychologist, preferably the former. Not just study enough to be one, but to actually be a decent psychologist. First steps are always important. My first step at volunteering had no response from the institution. I have to take more first steps. Need to have more confidence in myself and less fear. Too much fear.

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At 12:21 PM, Blogger eastcoastlife said...


What did you disappear to? Don't see you on shoutbox nowadays.

Huh!!! You dun have dreams? Just want to go with the tide. cheh!

At 12:22 PM, Blogger eastcoastlife said...

Sorry, I mean to say Where did you disappear to? :)

At 3:53 PM, Blogger tstar said...

hello ecl! so flattered, u visit my blog! =D

I have dreams! The whole of e last paragraph is talking about it leh! tsk tsk, after seeing somebody's *ahem* ah, must be the after-image block the words... =P

i was at shoutbox, just that these couple of days working... then before that i got chat ah! just that our timing not the same i guess...

of course i cld take the easy way out and say i was with ridz, doing very happy things... hahaha...

At 1:23 PM, Blogger stephanie said...

hello steph!!=) go for it!! jiayou! i know u can do it!!


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