Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Exam notes

Since I'm ALMOST finished with 1 module, here's a post.

About my study materials.


Oh c'mon! Stop the groaning! I am in the midst of studying!

At times during studying, I inevitably fall asleep in mid-sentence, regardless of the time of the day. And then what happens when I fall asleep for 5 seconds in mid-sentence with an ink pen in hand?

I really wasted quite a bit of ink on these kinds of incidences. Yar I have a problem - problem with staying awake while studying and it is a very ill-defined problem!

Was studying the Imagery Debate in Cognitive Psychology. It is basically a debate about whether mental imagery is due to actual spatial representation (actual picture in mind) or propositional representation (words). I put Pylyshyn and Kosslyn as the heading for propositional representation and spatial representation respectively because they are two of the main psychologists supporting these views.
Also because I write already and am lazy to erase them away.

Anyway the really ironic thing is that in my notes, the propositional (words) section has drawings under it and is actually better explained by the diagram than for spatial (pictures), for which there are only words under it. Probably because for spatial representation there's no need to draw pictures. Completely ironic! Hope I am correct in this post and my mind-map because I am really bad at Cognitive Psychology.

Seriously I just need a B for this, but I desperately need a B+ as well. My standards don't seem very high, do they.

Next time show you all my mind-maps. This semester everything still pretty compact. Last semester I had one so huge it was more than 4 pieces of A4-sized paper joined together. Wait, have I showed you all that before? Anyway the average of one of my mindmaps (1 chapter) is about 2 pages of A4-sized papers. And when I'm good, I can memorize every single damn thing on those pieces of paper, down to the colour of the ink the word is written in, the place the word is at and the exact grammar used. Ok, not very impressive, since the purpose of the ink and map is to make it easier for me to remember. =P

What the heck! Arzhou is playing BattleStations on Facebook! Ok, better get back to my books.

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