NUS - New S/U system - to vote
For all NUS students out there who deleted their NUSSU emails before opening them, tsk, seriously, you all should at least look through it. Some of the stuff are really important.
Alright, NUSSU sent an email regarding our S/U option. If you are admitted into NUS prior to AY2007/08 and have deleted the email, please do read this.
If you do not yet know, the year ones, that is students admitted in AY2007/08, are able to exercise their S/U option only after receiving their results.
Freak. KNN. KNS. Fuck.
Of course there is the flip side. This also means that they are unable to exercise their S/U options in the year they file for graduation. I'm not sure what happens if a student files for graduation in the second semester instead of the first of their final year, because then one would technically be able to use the S/U in the first semester since he/she has not yet filed for graduation.
Anyway, we are to vote through IVLE from 30th August, which is today, to 4th September, Tuesday, on whether or not we'd like the new implementation of the S/U option to be extended to us. Results of this vote is not the only determinant of whether or not it will be extended but will be taken into consideration. Well, if the extension or non-extension of the new system affects you in any way, I'd urge you to vote.
Personally I guess I'm going to vote for non-extension, but I think it is a very individual thing which vary from case to case. If it does extend to us, I think I'm going to suffer like hell in my if-it-exists honours year. Like Yanwei says, there's no win-win situation. You win some, you lose some. So whether or not the system is extended to us, some of us will gain, some of us will lose.
Here's the email quoted in its full entirety:
Dear fellow students,S/U Option System +Distribution of Welfare Diary + NUS BreakersI trust all of you are warming-up to getting back to studying again. Many of you have recently voiced concerns about the differential treatment given between students who have just matriculated this year and the current senior students with regards to the University's S/U Option System. A meeting was arranged with the NUS Board of Undergraduate Studies on 23 August 2007 to enquire about the rationale behind this differential treatment.
S/U Option System
The Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) option is intended to encourage students to pursue their intellectual interests, without undue concern that exploring a new subject area may affect adversely their CAP.
For modules graded on an S/U basis, students will receive credit towards the degree only if they attain a 'Satisfactory' (S) grade. An 'S' grade is assigned if a student receives a 'C' grade or above for the module. Conversely, students will receive an 'U' if the grade obtained is lower than a 'C' grade. The S/U option, once exercised, will be irrevocable for the module.
Up to 12 MCs may be taken on an S/U basis during a student's candidature, subject to the maximum number of MCs that may be excluded from the computation of CAP.
The S/U option is not applicable to modules taken to meet Faculty, Major, Minor, or University Scholars Programme (USP) requirements.
Students admitted prior to AY2007/08 are required to exercise the S/U option for a module between Week 6 and the end of the Recess Week. The decision is considered final on the first day of Week 7 of the instructional period of the semester.
Students admitted from AY2007/08 onwards will exercise their S/U option after the results are announced for any module that permits the S/U option. However, these students will not be allowed to exercise the S/U option on modules taken in their graduating semester (which is the semester in which they file for graduation).
A survey and forum will be set-up on the IVLE to gather feedback from the students on the reviewed S/U option policy. We would like to find out the views of the students on the reviewed policy and surface the results of this survey to the NUS Board of Undergraduate Studies. The results of the survey will be taken into consideration as to whether the reviewed policy will be extended to students admitted prior to AY2007/08. As the survey will only be opened from 30th August 2007 to 4th September 2007, please complete the survey as soon as possible, encourage your friends to do the same and help spread the word around. Your views matter!!
Distribution of Welfare Diary
We will be distributing the NUSSU Welfare Diary from 30th - 31st August, 1030 - 1700 at the main entrance of Yusof Ishak House near the NUSSU Service Centre. Do come down and get a copy if you have not already done so.
NUS Breakers
We would like to thank all students who came down to support this record-breaking event. We managed to fold 10056 cranes this time round. This achievement would not have been possible without your support!! Thank you once again!!
Warmest Regards,Tay E TengPresidentExecutive Committee28th NUSSU Council
I'm so nice, even added in the Welfare Diary and NUS Breakers part.
My friend just scolded me for being biased against the Dragon babies. I can't find it in myself to apologize because I am damn jealous of them. Sigh. Lucky babies, yet also unlucky in other ways. Facing huge competition with fellow course mates, but liked by the older generation because of the year they are born in. Not like us tigers, viewed by some of the older ones as jinxes and undesirable. Not to mention that we're fierce too. Oh, my batch is the fiercest of the lot, if I'm not wrong.
I bite. Literally. *grin*
Okok, with each batch comes a different set of challenges, I should stop being biased. Easy to say, difficult to do. Sigh.
Labels: NUS, surroundings
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