Away to find someone
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We type, but we still term it "writing".
Random note 1: Watch this - The Story of Stuff. Funny, engaging and informative. You'll never look at stuff in the same way again.
So after gathering yesterday, JY and I headed to Suntec City to look at the Singapore Heritage Fest exhibition. Ok, actually it was me who really wanted to go and JY decided to go with me.
lady: so who has a white bear?
cousin: (quietly to me) I have!
me attempts to pull her arm to "hand-raising" position
Labels: sgheritagefest, surroundings
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Have faith. When you absolutely have to land that plane, there will be a runway – even if you can’t see it sometimes.
– John Hamm
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Check this out:
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Is this called inspired by Cris's advertisement v2, or is it called the's advertisement meme originated from Cris and fire fanned by DK? Anyway, here are my 2 versions, one of which will be removed shortly after because it is a little too explicit (or lewd, kinda). people, if you are going to click on this link, all you will see is the normal version hor. The other one will be in another post.
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In order to keep my blog as Safe For Work (hello, this blog was rated PG only), I have thus posted this entry, my lewd version of the advertisement, below the actual one above.
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When you're already on the lowest edge of achieving a CAP which would qualify you for a 2nd lower class Honours, there are two things you could do, or rather, two things I can do.
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I dare you, while there is still time, to have a magnificient obsession.
– William Danforth
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I had a dream last night. It was so real my heart broke into a thousand pieces and I started to cry. Was it really a dream? I cannot tell.
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When I stand alone, surrounded by music, I know what truly makes me happy, I know what I want. I know that I won't be abandoned by anybody but myself or a failing body.
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If you can’t write your idea on the back of a business card, you don’t have an idea.
– David Belasco (from think big)
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Project by Mediacorp (known through Adrian and his team) to promote recycling includes getting people to bring their recyclable items (paper, plastic, glass, metals) down to the following collection points on the respective dates, in exchange for goodie bags.
Labels: environment, surroundings
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Olivia, apologizing to me on MSN,
I am very sorry for what I have done. Please forgive me.
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A new idea is delicate. It can be killed by a sneer or a yawn; it can be stabbed to death by a joke or worried to death by a frown on the right person’s brow.
– Charles Brower (from think big)
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Mother, when family was talking about brother going for NS,
Wait he come back got muscles, I can't stand it want to touch ah! hahahahahaha!
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me: Eh, Happy Birthday!
Brother: It's not today!
me: huh! Not today meh?!
Brother: Yar! It's on Monday!
me: haha, is it, haha!
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The Singapore Psychological Society (SPS) organizes a public talk, The Human Brain - A Journey of Discovery.
The talk is a response to increasing interest by the public on what psychologist do. To increase the general public's understanding of our work and areas, SPS is bringing forward a series of talks with relevant and considerably "lighter" topics.
It's about clinical psychology. Dr Donald Yeo from SGH is our guest speaker and he can provide you with excellent intro to the world of clinical psychology. (His specialised area is Clinical Neuropsychology).
You can also stay after the talk to enjoy the refreshment and to chat with Dr. Donald Yeo to learn more from him.
Everyone is welcome. Your friends and relatives can all attend.
I'm proud to invite those who are joining us in pursuing psychology to join the talk! Before you start lesson, it might be interesting to expose yourself to psychology talks to widen your horizons.
For those who ARE doing psychology now, this may be irrelevant to you, but if your friends and family are interested or want to learn more about what you are studying, they are welcomed to attend the talk!
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Don’t waste too much of the time you have left. Thinking big means creating a life we can look forward to looking back on.
– Diane Branson (from think big)
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I think it was a couple of months back that I saw this thing called payperpost from either Adrian's or Ridzuan's blog. Basically you get paid to blog. How it works is you write an entry on your blog on certain sites/products according to the requirements of the advertiser you choose to write for. For instance, you seen an opportunity you are interested in writing about so you take it up, then they might request you to write about the site/product in a positive or neutral light, to link the site or to embed an image. I am pretty impressed because this is not one of those things where they pay you maybe 50 cents (or 0.00004 cents) per entry. They actually pay you (from what I gather) from US$5 onwards. It is sensible enough for me who don't spend too much and need whatever money I can earn. However, the type of opportunities you get (and thus the amount you get to earn) vary according to the page rank of your blog. The higher the page rank, the more you are able to pick higher paid opportunities offered.
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Am tagged by Nicole to do this "Four meme" thingy. Erm, ok, one of the weirdest meme I've ever done, but here it is anyway.
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First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
– Mohandas K. Gandhi (from think big)
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Labels: sgheritagefest, surroundings
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JY recommended it to me first, then Yanwei sent me the song. Actually it's quite a standard type of song, just that the lyrics are kind of sad.
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Form the habit of saying “Yes” to a good idea. Then list all the reasons why it will work. There will always be plenty of people to tell you why it won’t work.
– Gil Atkinson (from think big)
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It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.
– Seneca (from think big)
Just do it!
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I can't remember if it was something I used to tell somebody or it was something that somebody used to tell me, but it went something like this,
Others can help to build you up, but they can also knock you down. Only you can keep yourself up.
If you don't help yourself, nobody can. An outsider can build up your confidence, then crush it again. Only you can maintain it.
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A single idea can transform a life, a family, a business, a nation, a world.
-Dan Zadra (from think big)
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Lovely song.
Labels: music, recommendation
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It is weird. I hardly know him, I have never met him and I do not remember how I got to his blog, but I am glad that he has decided to blog again after the closure of his last site. There is something amazing about knowing a person online, not through chat sites or IRC, but through a person's blog. This is the second time I have added somebody I met through a blog to my MSN list and I sincerely hope we will be friends.
Labels: blog, surroundings, thoughts
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NTT commenting on my new haircut,
Wah, you look so different with your new haircut. The kinda look all those businesswomen have, very 'no-nonsense'.
You! Get down between legs now!
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Xinfony VII happened last evening. MZ, YZ, RF and Carol came to watch us. This is the first time I have played without YZ, Pearl and LY. This is also the second time I have played with Jiaxing and Zhiwei (I think) in this alumni.
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It is nice to know that there are ways of making.... feel better.... ironic.... hurting.... punishment..... a while.... start to scratch.... sigh.
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Where are you when I need you?
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It is 12.38am. I have been online for a long time as usual. I don't feel sleepy and I don't think I'll be able to sleep.
Labels: knick-knacks, music, percussion
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Despite the fact that today is the official launch of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, I have already watched the show yesterday at Cathay. If it is a sneak preview, the price, surprisingly, was the same as all other shows. The theatre was not fully filled, I believe, and the movie started on the dot, which surprised both my friend and I. We only went in about 5 minutes after it started, just in time to see some wizards and witches of the Order break into Harry's room (which of course is not what happened in the book).
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Mingle2 - Free Online Dating
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I cut my hair, finally. It is now short, out of the way of my face, eyes and other facial organs. I am also currently less susceptible to a headache and bleeding scalp (in case somebody decides to pull my hair).
Labels: knick-knacks
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Somebody drew this on MSN after I told him that I feel like I'm on drugs and my feet are up in the air,
like that? hahaha
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When I get really upset, sometimes I inflict a little pain on myself. It helps in a thwarted way. Ironic, isn't it, that I who study Psychology turn to this.
Labels: knick-knacks, psychology
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One day you'll see, I'm only a puppet. Always have been, maybe always will be. One day you'll see, I'm not worthy. I know that day will come because you are already one step towards there. It won't take much longer, then you'll see me, only that you won't really see me. Nobody really does. I'm only myself when I'm truly alone. And what does that make a person?
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Cousin complained to me that I am blogging increasingly lesser nowadays. I apologize for the lack of constant entries. Am experiencing writer's block. Might not blog for a while. A while means a few hours or couple of days. See how.
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I don't like when things go out of control. Sure it's exciting and there is the fun of trying to get things back in order.
guy: What do you want?
me: (pause) I want to be alone, I don't want relationships.
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I don't know what the fuck I said on stage at 1st anniversary party.
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It is a full week before XMS's concert next week. I have been (sort of) practicing for a couple of months but I am really not ready. Reason being that the past practices I was never serious. Somehow the concert always seemed far away and I did not feel the need to take things seriously. I have improved and learnt more today about the pieces and my part than I have ever learnt in the past 2 months. This is really really bad. Is it possible for me to miraculously master my part in 1 week with maybe a day of practice? It is virtually impossible for me to get my hands on a xylophone until concert day itself.
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I was looking at the Classifieds a few days back when I came across something for the 2nd time, grinned wildly at it and was reminded that I have to blog about this.
Labels: funny,, surroundings
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me: I feel like I'm making use of you.
him: I know. You have always been doing that.
me: Then... how can you allow yourself to be made use of?!
him: Because it's you. And because it's an everyday thing.
Labels: knick-knacks, surroundings
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May I drop over at your place? I asked. He said yes, I may, and told me the time he would need to leave. So I told him I will drop by if I can make it. I prepared my stuff, brought the book, took a shower, took a look at my ingrown toe nail and then finally left the house. Traveling would take about an hour which should technically give me an hour with him before we both need to leave to do our own stuff. An hour would be too much, I decided, don't want to impose on him. I headed for NTUC but could not find the biscuits I was looking for. I boarded the train. Few minutes later I received a SMS from him, he said he has to leave earlier, a full 45 minutes earlier than the time he has told me. I would reach the place exactly the time he would leave his house. Er then I probably won't reach in time. It's ok then. I replied. I wondered if I should get off the train.
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In reply to YZ's post on how messy her table is, a friend comments
don't worry too much.
my table's so messy i can't find it. =D
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Was doing the Module Preference Exercise (MPE) today. It is a system where FASS students state what FASS modules we would like to take and we would be pre-allocated those modules whose supply (number of seats available) is more than demand (number of people who wants the module). Since supply is usually never more than demand in Psychology, I do not usually get pre-allocated modules.
Well, I have been in NUS for 2 years and this is my 3rd year, but technically I am still a Year 2 student in her 1st semester of studies.
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No matter how things are,
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Thanks JH for this recommendation. Awesome.
Labels: music, recommendation
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Friend JH was trying to arrange his resume on a screwed computer which has no Microsoft Word, had a hard time doing it, got fed up and decided to borrow his brother's laptop.
Thump Thump Thumping says:
ahhaha i just screwed him
Thump Thump Thumping says:
He said why
Thump Thump Thumping says:
Thump Thump Thumping says:
he cannot say anything
I'm older
Thump Thump Thumping says:
Thump Thump Thumping says:
I told him to bring it upstairs
Thump Thump Thumping says:
I'm way tooo lazy to go down and take it from him
Thump Thump Thumping says:
I'm powerful
Stephanie says:
I'm going to blog abt this
Thump Thump Thumping says:
Thump Thump Thumping says:
now I feel so naked
I'll ask him to get me water as well later
Thump Thump Thumping says:
Ok I was kidding on that last one
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It was only last night that I learnt from my sister (who is 12 years younger than me) that I can use the drawing tool on MSN. Weird, the last time I tried, I had to install something. In any case, I was so elated that I started drawing in my conversation with LY.
l i u y i n * says:
l i u y i n * says:
you dont know?!
Stephanie says:
so cool
Stephanie says:
l i u y i n * says:
you crazy lah
Stephanie says:
last time i cannot one
Stephanie says:
only recently can
l i u y i n * says:
l i u y i n * says:
l i u y i n * says:
On my way home. $24 richer, a lot more tired physically, mentally and emotionally.
DK says:
Labels: funny, MSN,, surroundings
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